President: chloe steadman

Hey everyone, my name’s Chloe and I’m your president for the year!
I’m a Second Year Geologist, and I’ve lived in Yorkshire all my life- yes, the North is better! As President, I work to ensure that the committee is organised and provides you with great talks, socials and a generally enjoyable uni experience… you’ll thank me later!
Over the past year I’ve made such a sound group of friends through RocSoc, who’ve made way to so many… interesting… nights out. Did someone mention Tequila?
It’s going to be fab to welcome you all to RocSoc, and can’t wait to make your first year as amazing as mine was!

Hey everyone! My name's Matt, I am a second year Geophysicist and I am the Treasurer for RocSoc this year. My role is to ensure we have enough money to be able to go forward with all the brilliant events, socials and trips we have planned . This is going to be one of the best years yet and I'm looking forward to meeting you all during freshers and beyond!
General Secretary: sarah tatlock

Hi I'm Sarah, the general secretary. Rocsoc was the first society that welcomed us with open arms and it was a great chance to meet the other first year geoloigists and also those from other years - that's why I wanted to be on the committee and to be part of the community that runs great socials, talks and trips and makes all the first years feel welcome to the geology course and life at leeds. As a geologist I wasn't really sure of career paths I'd like to take either and Rocsoc has helped me get ideas and can help build contacts for the future.
Talk Secretary: ben print

Hello! My name is Ben and I'm entering second year studying geological sciences. I am your talk sec for this year,and will be organising various academic talks throughout the year for you all. I look forward to meeting you guys!
Field Secretary: emma scholes

Hey guys, I'm Emma, I'm from Nottingham and I'm a second year geologist. I'm the Field Sec on this years committee so I'll be organising the freshers trip to Whitby and the Europe trip in February! I absolutely loved both in my first year and hopefully it'll be another great year, see you all in freshers week!!
PUblications secretary: jess ralston

Hey! I'm Jess, a second year Geologist from Formby (by Liverpool, but I'm not a proper scouser!). My role is to manage Rocsoc's social networks, along with taking care of our website, promoting our events and keeping everyone up to date on what's going on. Can't wait to get to know you all over the next year and hopefully have some amazing nights out, see you all soon!
Social secretary: isobel mannion

Hi guys, I'm Isobel! I'm a second year geologist and I'm from Oxford. Along with Louisa and Kirsty I'm one of your social secs for the year. The Rocsoc socials were a highlight of my first year and I'm so excited to give you that same experience! Along with weekly socials, we'll be organising one-off events, such as Whitby, the Halloween Otley run, Summer Ball and yearly Europe trip (which personally is among my best memories of last year). I look forward to meeting you all in freshers week!
Social Secretary: kirsty hitchen

Hey, I'm Kirsty and I'm a 2nd year geophysicist originally from St Albans in Hertfordshire. I'm one of the three Social Secs along with Louisa and Isobel. As a Social Sec its my job to organise a variety of fun weekly socials and many other events including the infamous weekend in Whitby. Can't wait to meet you all and have loads of fun!
social Secretary: louisa brotherson

Hey guys! I'm Louisa, a 2nd year geophysicist, proud Brummie (minus the accent) and one of your social secs for this year. My job is to make sure you all have a good time outside of your course by organising and running social events, both with and without alcohol. Last year this included nights out, bowling, pub visits and the legendary Whitby trip - we're hoping to do even more this year! If you have any suggestions or just want to chat, feel free to talk to me, I don't bite (often...).